Monday, December 31, 2012

Project Kick-Off!

Welcome to 2013:  52 Acts of Kindness!  Our family is about to embark on a journey of performing 52 acts of kindness this year.  The goal is to perform one each week, but with a new baby arriving early this spring, there may be some weeks where we miss and others where we double up.  It is my hope that this will inspire you to think about how you or your family could incorporate service opportunities  into your lives each week.

It seems that we live in a nation where our newscasts are filled with stories of war, fighting, and violent acts resulting in serious injuries or death.  People are struggling to provide food for their families, children are having difficulty in school, and others are facing serious medical problems.  There are so many who need our help:  our neighbors, friends, and community members.  We can choose to focus on our corner of the world or help those who are hundreds or even thousands of miles away.

Many people feel a strong pull towards a specific cause.  Perhaps you will choose to focus on this cause for an entire year or maybe you will help different organizations that pertain to your cause.  Maybe you want to help several different causes or you will discover a new passion.  While we all may not have the financial resources to assist others, we can donate our time or talent to serve.  Throughout this year, it is my goal to utilize a variety of methods to assist others and show our children first-hand the importance of helping others.

Whatever your journey may be, it would be wonderful if you would share any or all of your ideas with us by either leaving a comment, sending an email, or posting on our Facebook page.  Share it with your friends!  Jump on board and see what a difference you can make in 2013!  Let's see how many wonderful things we can do for others this year and improve our corner of the world!